A full customized record drawing package is available for your AT10.1, AT30, or ATevo Series battery charger.
This package will feature the following items, specific to your individual unit:
a full DRAWING LIST with revision levels and agency approval listings (e.g. UL / CSA-NRTL/C)
a DATA NAMEPLATE DETAIL featuring electrical ratings and manufacturer's model number & serial number
an OUTLINE DRAWING featuring dimensions, all external components (labeled) and unit shipping weight
an INTERNAL COMPONENT LAYOUT DRAWING featuring major internal components and customer connection specifications
a CONTROL PANEL DETAIL featuring all indicator lights, switches, meters and timers
a PC BOARD DETAIL depicting control / functional boards at greater scale, identifying significant components
a FULL ELECTRICAL SCHEMATIC, featuring all charger components and ratings of major components
a FULL CONNECTION DIAGRAM featuring all charger components and point-to-point wiring
Included on all these sheets, your CUSTOM DRAWING PACKAGE
will also feature the following items, specific to your individual unit:
revision levels and dates listed on all individual sheets
factory internal job numbers listed on each sheet
provisions for end-user tag numbers
Custom drawings will be supplied as follows:
paper hardcopies supplied with shipped unit
USB flash drive (*.dwg & *.pdf) supplied with shipped unit
e-mailed to recipient (if applicable)
Please use the following matrix to identify the specific CUSTOM
which meets your needs, and list these part numbers as a separate line item on your
purchase order:
APPROVAL DRAWINGS (order is placed on-hold, pending end user review & release) |
JH0003-21 |
to ship within ten (10) |
ADVANCED DRAWINGS (order is released to manufacturing w/approval process waived) |
JH0003-23 |
to ship within ten (10) |
RECORD DRAWINGS (as-built per manufacturer's standard) |
JH0003-04 |
to ship with unit |
CERTIFIED AS-BUILT RECORD DRAWINGS (documents signed off by manufacturer) |
JH0003-05 |
to ship with unit |